Saturday, January 23, 2021


Plaid Cymru are calling on the Education Minister to support making Welsh history, including the history of black people and people of colour a mandatory part of the new curriculum. 

Every child and young person in Wales should learn about the story of Wales.

Sadly that has not been the case in the past but the new curriculum of Wales is an exciting, once-in-a-generation opportunity to change that, ensuring that the History of Wales in all its diversity is an integral part of each child’s education.

Plaid Cymru are therefore calling on you to support making Welsh history, including the history of black people and people of colour a mandatory part of the new curriculum

Unless it becomes obligatory, the current inconsistent pattern will persist and an unique opportunity to empower young people with a knowledge of their past, including the mistakes, will be lost. 

Furthermore, teaching about the history of black people and people of colour must happen in all our schools as an essential part of a national effort to eliminate systemic race inequalities, allowing Wales to become a beacon for equality in a divided world.

Plaid Cymru strongly believe that all children have the right to understand their history and heritage and learning about the history of Wales is key for our next generation to make them informed and engaged citizens -  which is one of the primary purposes of this new curriculum.

Plaid Cymru therefore call on you to give the national story of Wales, in all its diversity, including the history of black people and people of colour, the status it deserves by putting it on the face of the Bill.

This will also ensure that the teaching is fully supported by resources and training as our history becomes fully embedded into Wales’ new way of teaching and learning.

Welsh history belongs to all Welsh children, and they all deserve equal access to it.

Sign the open letter.

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