Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Our city, Newport needs to directly benefit from the green energy revolution, with our deep water port and our highly skilled,  experienced and adaptable workers, we have massive advantages.  Thats why our city should be at the forefront of the development of off-shore wind, tidal lagoons, tidal turbines and a revisited Usk river barrage. 

It’s been almost 29 years ago since the proposed Usk barrage was rejected by, then Welsh Secretary and later Conservative leader, William Hague, our city needs a second chance by making good use of its natural position and its skills to thrive and prosper. Since then our city has largely been neglected and ignored by government at all levels - it’s time for change. 

Newport as a port city, lies the river Usk, a river with the third highest rise and fall of tide in Wales, with its history of manufacturing and heavy industry, should be well placed to benefit for the development of tidal lagoons to the west and the east of the city and the harnessing of some of the tide energy potential of the Severn estuary - with a combination of tidal turbines, waves power, off shore wind, and an Usk river barrage to harness our rivers energy potential and to focus redevelopment on our city’s river.

The concept of Green Jobs and the economic contribution that they can make to our communities and to the Welsh economy is now well recognised by most people. Our coastline and our maritime and energy resources will remain a largely untapped resource for the foreseeable future.  The prototype tidal lagoon should have been a first step towards making Wales a world leader in a new and innovative technology with the potential to power our future. 

The ongoing failure to start work on the Swansea Tidal lagoon is a perfect demonstration of why Wales needs to gain greater control over its own future. We can no longer not afford the luxury of Westminster continuing to hold back our country’s potential for developing renewable sustainable energy sector and the related skills that could make Wales a world leader. 

Westminster has consistently denied fair funding and the tools (the powers) to reshape and reboot our economy, whether with Conservative, Conservative-Lib Dem or Labour Governments, which would have enabled a government in Cardiff to invest to create well-paid jobs in Wales. 

Renewable energy development (and green collar jobs that should come with it) has the  potential to create renewable and sustainable non nuclear energy supply, which can bootstrap our economy, cut carbon emissions and also development energy supplies  that are not dependent on imported oil and gas from the unstable Middle East and the Persian gulf and Russia.

We have a double problem, firstly we have a Labour dominated Senedd that’s bereft of ambition, ideas and the tools to do the job, and at times seems to be busy redefining the concept of inert, and secondly Westminster ( whoever is in charge ) is just simply not interested in making Wales thrive, or allowing Wales to acquire the powers that could make Wales a world-leader in the development of renewable energy technologies and also to generate the technologies and jobs that go with it. 

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