Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Plaid Cymru responds to news of steel workers strikes in Port Talbot


Responding to the news that Port Talbot steel workers are set to go on strike, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for the Economy, Luke Fletcher MS said:


“Plaid Cymru stands with our steel workers, the sector is vital for the future of the Welsh economy.


“Today’s announcement shows that workers are unified in fighting against the proposals from TATA.


“The Tories and Labour need to back the workers and set out a vision of what the future of steel may look like in Wales.


“We need to retain ability to produce primary steel in Wales. Whoever runs the UK Government in the next month should look to nationalise the Port Talbot steelworks.


“Failing this Welsh Government should explore options for compulsory purchase of the plant, while future options for greening steel production, including replacing coal with green hydrogen, are developed.”



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