Tuesday, June 25, 2024


More Plaid Cymru MPs means more voices fighting for “real economic change” for Wales

“While Labour can preach ‘change’ as much as they like – we know that austerity is here to stay under Starmer” says Plaid Cymru


More Plaid Cymru MPs will ensure “real economic change” for Wales, Plaid Cymru has said. 

Plaid Cymru spokesperson for the economy Luke Fletcher MS said Plaid Cymru’s three pledges for the economy would ensure economic fairness for Wales and hold Labour to account on behalf of the people of Wales.

The party’s main economic pledges include:

1) A fair funding system for Wales according to need

2) Rejoin the single market and the customs union 

3) Give Wales the £4 billion it is owed from HS2 


Since 2010, Wales has seen £3 billion worth of cuts due to decisions made in Westminster.


The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on Monday (24 June 2024) called out the main two Westminster parties for their released their “conspiracy of silence” over the economy.


The £18 billion spending gap in the Labour manifesto will result in almost a billion pounds less for Wales – the equivalent of ten years’ worth of funding for Universal Free Primary School Meals.


Plaid Cymru spokesperson for the economy Luke Fletcher MS said:

“Plaid Cymru is the only party offering real economic change for Wales in this election.

“The Tories have crashed the economy and Labour have signed up to at least £18 billion worth of cuts – which means a billion pounds less for the Welsh budget. While Labour can preach ‘change’ as much as they like – we know that austerity is here to stay under Starmer.

“Plaid Cymru’s pledges would mean fairness for Wales – both economically and socially. They include a fairer funding model based on Wales’ needs so we can invest in our schools, the NHS, and in our communities.

“We’re the only party honest about the impact of Brexit on the Welsh economy and calling to rejoin the Single Market and Customs union to end the red tape on our businesses and ports.

“And we’re the only party demanding the return of Wales’ missing billions from England’s HS2 project to invest in our transport infrastructure and local economies.

“While the Tories and Labour alike are happy to see public services decimated and household budgets squeezed even further, Plaid Cymru is fighting for economic fairness in this election as the only party that doesn’t take Welsh votes for granted.

“Westminster won’t care about Wales unless there are MPs standing up for Wales’ best interests at every opportunity – not singing to the same hymn sheet as Starmer. This is what a vote for Plaid Cymru on 4 July offers.”

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