Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ahead of the close of Labour’s leadership nomination period, Rhun ap Iorwerth, Leader of Plaid Cymru said:

“In the run up to today’s deadline for nominations, Labour fixers have been more concerned with party management than offering a change of direction for Wales.


“We've heard nothing in terms of policy and no indication that Eluned Morgan will knock on Keir Starmer’s door and demand what’s best for Wales.


“A ‘more of the same approach’ will only deepen inequality, stifle ambition, and continue the downward spiral of health and educational outcomes under Labour.


“Eluned Morgan will today become the third Labour leader in Wales in three months.


“She knows that for Welsh Government to have legitimacy in such circumstances, a fresh election is needed, as Labour themselves called for when both UK and Scottish Governments went through successive leadership changes.


“But they won't allow an election, and will do all they can, including teaming up with the Conservatives, to stop that happening, it seems.


“Plaid Cymru will continue to stand up for Welsh citizens, holding the incoming leader to account on her and Labour's legacy, including of course, the state of the Welsh NHS which has continued to decline under her watch and both her predecessors, despite the heroic efforts of the health and care workforce.”

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Plaid Cymru Leader responds to Eluned Morgan’s bid to become next leader of Welsh Labour

Responding to confirmation that Eluned Morgan will stand to become the next leader of Welsh Labour, Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said:

“After weeks of infighting – Labour’s focus is squarely on party management rather than on a change of direction for Wales, making a mockery of Starmer’s country before party pledge.

“Labour leaders in Wales of recent past and near future have one thing in common on their CV – an abysmal record of running the NHS which has led to record high waiting lists.

“Being in government is now seen as more important to Labour than knowing what to do with the levers at their disposal.

“If Eluned Morgan becomes the leader of Labour in Wales and should she become First Minister, she will prioritise healing Labour’s wounds rather than renewing the government’s sense of purpose.

“The absence of a policy platform can only mean one thing – more of the same tired ideas and outdated thinking which has led to Wales languishing at the bottom of economic, health and educational league tables after 25 years of Labour in power.

“Regardless of whoever becomes the next leader of Labour in Wales, Plaid Cymru will keep making the case for a fairer, more ambitious future for Wales.”


Sunday, July 21, 2024


Well there we are then, the Newport East Westminster election is over and the voters (those who actually turned out to vote that is) have spoken. It was an interesting Westminster election campaign in a new if oddly put together constituency with portions added from the old Newport West constituency and portions lost to the new Monmouthshire constituency. There should be another massive thank you to my wife, my agent, my campaign team members and the electors of Newport East for their support. 

Weather-wise it was a strange campaign as well with possibilities of torrential rain and bright sunshine (although admittedly with some heat) - sometimes all within the same hour. Any election, and this one was no different, should give every candidate the opportunity to listen to, to talk to and to meet with many Constituents, during the course of what should become a prolonged walking tour in my opinion of one of Cymru / Wales's more interesting constituencies.

Elections are not simply about the voters and the candidates, a whole host of people work very hard behind the scenes to make things work smoothly, including the Returning Officer(s) their staff, the council staff who run the polling booths and the staff who count the votes and the other  council staff and the Police who work tirelessly to make the count function flawlessly.

Post election, in Newport East (and elsewhere) former candidates and even for the successfully elected candidate life can now begin the process of returning to some form of normality. For the next few weeks after returning to normal sleep patterns and a normal intake of coffee may be something of a priority, that and resisting the strange desire to knock on the doors of perfect strangers and push leaflets through complete strangers letter boxes.

Now that the sound and the fury have faded, and the door knocking and on the street conversations have blended into one, former candidates can sensibly take stock and perhaps some reflection. As a candidate, no matter the result, you should neither make instant decisions about your future nor say anything in the heat of the moment that can come back and haunt you further down the line.

There is little glory in politics, save in victory, merely hard often unappreciated effort, any dreams of political immortality / longevity should be regularly doused with hard cold realism. 

I learned that lesson a few election campaigns ago, having featured on the front page of a local newspaper in relation to the well supported local campaign to Keep Abergavenny Livestock Market I had the quite bizarre experience of going to buy some chips in a local chip shop with a friend only to sit-in the queue to observe myself literally being wrapped around chips as has been said elsewhere Sic transit gloria mundi - or "Thus passes the glory of the world”.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Responding to the resignation of Vaughan Gething as First Minister and Welsh Labour Leader, Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said:

“The people of Wales have lost faith in the First Minister, belatedly he has done that right thing and resigned.


“But the people of Wales are losing confidence in Labour’s ability to govern Wales.


“This could be the third Labour First Minister in seven months – a revolving door of chaos.


“Labour has put party interests ahead of the interests of the nation for too long.


“The people of Wales must be given the opportunity to elect a new government and an election must be called.


“Plaid Cymru stands ready to serve with a platform which puts fairness and ambition at its heart.


“Voters the length and breadth of Wales deserve a government which is unrelenting in addressing the issues that matter most to them – from record high NHS waiting lists and the scourge of child poverty, to below average educational outcomes and building an economy that works for all.


“After 25 years at the helm, Labour is unable to rebuild and refresh from within".


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Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Plaid Cymru: It’s clear now that Labour has no plan for Welsh Steel


Plaid Cymru has responded to comments made by the new business secretary Jonathan Reynolds MP regarding talks with TATA Steel in order to save jobs and steel making capabilities in Port Talbot.


The new Labour secretary told BBC Radio Wales Breakfast that TATA had been ‘unmovable’ on the decision to delay the closure of a second blast furnace at Port Talbot, due to close in September.


Plaid Cymru responded saying that it was clear that Labour’s pre-election promises of a plan to save jobs and to keep the steelworks going in Port Talbot were false. An emergency question was tabled by the party in the Senedd, seeking clarification from the Labour Welsh Government.


Plaid’s Economy and Energy spokesperson, Luke Fletcher MS, said:


“Before the election, Labour were telling TATA to wait until a new Labour government was elected in Westminster. Now this has happened, there seems little change except the colour of the ties. We’re still none the wiser about what the plan is.


“The new Business secretary says that TATA are being ‘unmovable’ on holding back the closure of another blast furnace to ensure a just transition. We need to know what Labour are offering that the Tories couldn’t. We know that they have said that there is more money on the table, but we know that this is not enough.


“TATA have been signalling for months that they were unwilling to renegotiate – we seen that in their interviews, we seen that in their evidence to the Economy committee here so what have Labour been doing to prepare this situation?


“Now if both Labour Governments are committed to keeping the blast furnace open and if TATA is unmovable on this there is only one option. They must consider nationalisation of the steel works.”


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Find a link to Luke Fletcher’s emergency question to the Senedd here:, it will be answered by the Welsh Government on 10/07/2024.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Plaid Cymru hail “stunning” general election result

Plaid Cymru have hailed a “stunning” general election result after retaining its two incumbent MPs and gaining two others.

Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,


“This is a stunning result for Plaid Cymru and testament to the real warmth and enthusiasm we have been feeling on the doorstep for the last six weeks.


Despite the tough context of an unprecedented Labour wave, this is the party’s best ever result in a General Election - representing the greatest proportion of seats won.


People were consistently telling us that they were desperate to see the back of the Tories but that Labour weren’t offering real change either.


Plaid Cymru stood on a positive and ambitious platform of fairness for Wales and I’m delighted that people have put their faith in four outstanding candidates to represent them in Westminster.


Liz, Ben, Llinos and Ann will work tirelessly to make sure that Wales’s voice is never ignored by the incoming Labour government.


Despite throwing everything at Caerfyrddin and Ynys Môn, Labour’s UK wide wave failed in the face of strong local campaigns and two excellent new additions to Plaid’s ranks in Westminster.


This result shows that Plaid Cymru is the clear alternative to Labour in Wales and our focus now shifts to putting forward a vision which more people than every can get behind at the Senedd Election in 2026.”


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Friday, July 5, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Today is Polling Day - there are three hours and thirty minutes to take the opportunity to vote for a better brighter future for Newport East and Wales.

A vote for Plaid Cymru & Jonathan Thomas Clark is a vote to give Newport and Wales a strong voice in Westminster and to move forward.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


‘Labour fighting for London, not for Wales’, says Rhun ap Iorwerth ahead of tour of key seats

Ahead of a tour of a number of key constituencies on Wednesday, Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said:

“This election campaign has made it clear: the Tories’ time is well and truly over. After a disastrous 14 years in power and a catastrophic campaign, it’s no surprise that people want to give them a beating at the ballot box.

“As I've campaigned across Wales during this campaign, it’s obvious that Labour's looming majority is much more about rejecting the Tories than any real embrace of what Labour has to offer. It is no wonder - after 25 years in power in Wales, the Labour Party has grown arrogant, as displayed by Vaughan Gething’s decision to ignore the Senedd’s vote of no confidence in him.

“Today, I'm making a final push for Plaid Cymru’s positive message for a genuine alternative to the negativity of the Tories and the complacency of Labour. I am determined to ensure that as many people as possible hear Plaid Cymru’s passion about giving our communities a strong voice.

“In Ynys Môn and Caerfyrddin, Plaid Cymru is the party to keep the Tories out. Yesterday’s final YouGov poll for Wales proved it. In Ceredigion and Dwyfor Meirionnydd, Ben Lake and Liz Saville Roberts are living proof of the value of electing dedicated local champions to Westminster. And across Wales, every vote for Plaid Cymru is a signal of our nation demanding a voice.

“By standing in the way of Wales’ journey towards greater self-government in this election, Labour has shown itself to be fighting for London, not for Wales. Plaid Cymru will always put Welsh communities before party interests.

“The Tories have given up. Labour is taking you for granted. It's time to vote Plaid Cymru to force the next UK Government finally sit up and take notice of Wales”

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Labour are “putting the brakes on Welsh aspirations”, twenty-five years after a parliament for Wales was established, says Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS.


Speaking ahead of the last First Minister’s Questions before the UK General Election on Thursday 4 July, Rhun ap Iorwerth said that Plaid Cymru is the only party saying “yes” to Wales in line with people’s wishes since 1997.


Rhun ap Iorwerth MS will call out Labour’s 'do one thing and say another' on issues such as fair funding, HS2 money owed to Wales, ending the two-child benefit cap and devolving powers over justice and policing where any appetite by Labour in Wales to pursue these issues are being quashed by Labour HQ in London.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said:


“The political history of Wales for nearly thirty years is one of our nation saying “yes.”

“Yes” in 1997 to having a parliament of our own and “yes” to making more of our own decisions in 2011.


“After twenty-five years in power in Wales, the Labour Party now appears to be putting the brakes on devolution and failing to keep pace with people’s ambitions.


“Whatever Labour in Wales claims to believe, any attempts to join Plaid Cymru in saying “yes” to fair funding, HS2 consequentials, scrapping the two-child benefit cap and devolving powers over justice and policing are falling on deaf ears in London.


“Keir Starmer has made it clear that when it comes to Wales, his answer is too often “no.”


“Hoarding power in Westminster is something we’re used to from the Tories, but with UK Labour adopting a similar approach, it’s clear that only Plaid Cymru MPs will give Wales a voice in the UK Parliament.


“Labour members in Wales are right that the two-child benefit cap is the single greatest driver of child poverty.


“Labour members agree with us that control over the Crown Estates should be handed to Wales, as part of the drive to unlock our economic potential.


“If only Keir Starmer respected them and listened.


“As things stand we just face more of the same – more cuts to public services but no more powers to change our nation for good.

“I urge anyone fed up of how Labour are taking Wales for granted to vote for Plaid Cymru on 4 July as the only party committed to putting our communities before party interests.”

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Monday, July 1, 2024


We need a strong voice to speak truth to power for Wales.

The Conservatives have regularly stated that for every £1 spent on public services in England Wales gets £1.20

Yet the HM Treasury - Country and Regional Analysis of public spending - which was published on December 20th 2023 reveals that the spend per head

London £14, 486

Scotland £14,456

N Ireland £14.453

Wales £13,387

With the Tories are fading fast  - we cannot afford to but let London focused Labour take Wales for granted.

With a new (and indifferent to Wales) Labour government in Westminster - just how much will Wales matter? Who will speak for Wales? 

Let's elect a strong group of Plaid Cymru MPs that will be our voice in Westminster and will always put Wales’ best interests first. 

A vote for Plaid Cymru & Jonathan Thomas Clark is a vote to give Newport and Wales a strong voice in Westminster on Thursday 4th July 2024.