Saturday, July 6, 2024


Plaid Cymru hail “stunning” general election result

Plaid Cymru have hailed a “stunning” general election result after retaining its two incumbent MPs and gaining two others.

Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,


“This is a stunning result for Plaid Cymru and testament to the real warmth and enthusiasm we have been feeling on the doorstep for the last six weeks.


Despite the tough context of an unprecedented Labour wave, this is the party’s best ever result in a General Election - representing the greatest proportion of seats won.


People were consistently telling us that they were desperate to see the back of the Tories but that Labour weren’t offering real change either.


Plaid Cymru stood on a positive and ambitious platform of fairness for Wales and I’m delighted that people have put their faith in four outstanding candidates to represent them in Westminster.


Liz, Ben, Llinos and Ann will work tirelessly to make sure that Wales’s voice is never ignored by the incoming Labour government.


Despite throwing everything at Caerfyrddin and Ynys Môn, Labour’s UK wide wave failed in the face of strong local campaigns and two excellent new additions to Plaid’s ranks in Westminster.


This result shows that Plaid Cymru is the clear alternative to Labour in Wales and our focus now shifts to putting forward a vision which more people than every can get behind at the Senedd Election in 2026.”


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