Friday, September 6, 2024


As Labour in Westminster are looking to launch Austerity 2.0, and Labour in Wales are not doubt preparing to do what they are told, the October budget is going to probably bring in craft of cuts. Serious consideration should be given to creating an All-Wales Police force which can help regain trust, foster a better culture in Welsh Policing and reduce costs and bring efficiency savings. 

Now is perhaps the time to replace the existing four police forces with a one Wales force approach could lead to positive change in outcomes for victims, cut crime and create a new policing culture focused on Wales. A similar restructure in Scotland, where all police forces were merged into one in 2013, led to positive change after initial challenges.

Wales can certainly learn lessons from the success of Police Scotland’s merger back in 2013 in order to ensure that resources are distributed fairly and wisely between the regions, and that relations with forces in England remain strong to tackle cross-border crime. A single force would allow a more efficient service in terms of HR, ICT, training, procurement and all the other infrastructure which enables the police to do their jobs from day to day. 

The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales chaired by Sir Michael Barber has already recommended merging the back-office functions of all forces. Now is the time to take bold steps and ensure that the police are in the strongest possible position to keep our communities safe.

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