Thursday, August 29, 2024


It is Interesting to note that Labour in Westminster initially said that they were going big on devolution in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 but are remained fairly tight lipped if not literally silent on any further devolution for Wales e.g. The Crown Estates, Police and Criminal Justice, railways. etc 

Interestingly enough where this may get even more interesting is they one of the bills mooted in the Kings Speech - aims to bring the railways into state ownership. Now railways in Scotland are already effectively state owned - the state in question being Scotland.  And in Wales, as you would expect, only part of railways in Wales are devolved, and the rest of them run by three or four franchises.

I wonder if Labour in Westminster will simply ask for the devolved bit back? And if they do, I would suspect, based on Labour Wales’s timid behaviour towards the various former Conservative Westminster governments, simply expect the Labour in Wales branch office to quite happily hand the fairly limited control of railways in Wales back to Westminster. 

While policing is already devolved in some parts of England, and may well be devoted to new devoted regions in England there appears to be no chance of it being devolved in Wales by the current Labour in Westminster government - and it won’t even be asked for. While the creation of a council of the regions and nations is a welcome step up for the English regions, it’s clearly a step down for Cymru / Scotland and NI.  

Clearly Labour in Wales under its new leader has absolutely no intention of asking for even a portion of the revenue ( current and potential ) to be devolved to the Welsh Government in Cardiff. This may simply confirm that Labour in Wales has completed the transition from ideological to administrative and exits simply to administer rather than to innovate or even campaign beyond periodic rhetoric at election time. 

So much for making devolution work and kick starting our economy? Perhaps Labour in Wales’s lack of vision will lead to a new slogan different from the positively Orwellian “Stability is change” we may yet end up with “Shush! This is as good as it gets!”. It certainly does not have to be this way… Labour in Wales has run its course, bereft of any ideas or vision. Roll on 2026…

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The dog end of August is a time of often overlooked historic anniversaries, ignored or perhaps selectively unobserved anniversaries and missed opportunities to remember. The last few days of August will see the third anniversary of the fall of Kabul to the Taliban (in August 2021), the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia (in August 1968) and the collapse of the Soviet Union (in August 1991) which pass largely unremembered and unobserved. 

Wednesday 21st August 2024 was the 56th anniversary of the Soviet led invasion of Czechoslovakia, it’s an anniversary that passes largely unnoticed save perhaps by some people in Prague. While the Soviet Union is history, the Russian Federation is not and is aggressively on the rise in the east, so people have lots of other things to be worried about.  It’s been 56 years since Soviet troops and most but not all of their Warsaw Pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia on August 21st 1968

The Soviet-led invasion effectively established the Brezhnev Doctrine, which Moscow said allowed the U.S.S.R. to intervene in any country where a Communist government was under threat. The Soviet backed occupation of Czechoslovakia lasted until the velvet revolution brought an end to the Communist dictatorship in November 1991 as the Cold War ended. It was always contested - the reformist communists were finally defeated in the mid 1970's ironically just as detente created the Helsinki accords which then inspired Charter 77. 

Russia’s attitude to the invasion still touches raw emotions, evens in the Czech and Slovak republics. While the  thirty third anniversary of the collapse of the USSR will largely pass unremembered, in both the West and more understandably in Russia, the reasons for Russia’s desire to forget the past are understandable. 

It is worth noting that the Brits lost their Empire over a period of thirty years, over fifty years ago, and some of them have still not got over the losing of it hence the periodic exposure of Brit exceptionalism. The Russians by way of contrast lost the core of their Empire in about fortnight, which must still sting a bit, even thirty three years down the line. 

The West tends to remain silent when it came to remembering the anniversary of the collapse of the USSR. Perhaps considering the hubris displayed at the time, the wilful glee the came with the botched dismemberment of the old Soviet state industries and assets, the rise of the oligarchs (some of whom were very close and comfortable with New Labour and quire comfortable with the Conservatives and the rise of President Putins new Russia, the silence is perhaps understandable. 

When it comes to anniversaries August may be the month that keeps on giving on the Friday  23rd August 2024 is the 85th anniversary of the 1939 signing of Nazi Germany’s and the Soviet Union’s pact which effectively guaranteed the start of the second world war. This event is well remembered the Baltic republic and Poland but very rarely anywhere else, especially in the Russian Federation, where history is both important and selectively remembered. 

On Friday ( 23rd August ) morning, Edgars Rinkēvičs and Alar Karis, the presidents of Latvia and Estonia, met at the Unguriņi-Lilli border crossing point to remember that 35 years ago, on 23 August 1989, some two million people from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania stood hand in hand - literally. 

While the event itself lasted for 15 minutes, from Toompea in Tallinn, through Riga, to the Gediminas Tower in Vilnius, the consequences have lasted much longer. This over 600km long human chain, known as the Baltic Way, became a powerful symbol of unity and resistance, as it drew the world's attention to the illegal Soviet annexation of the Baltic States following the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

The non-aggression pact was signed exactly 50 years earlier, on 23rd August 1939, by Soviet and German foreign ministers Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop. It contained secret protocols, in which the two powers illegally divided the territories of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania between them. 

This was one of the key factors that led to the start of World War II in September 1939, with Nazi Germany's attack on Poland, and to the Soviet invasion of the Baltics in June 1940. The Baltic Way put immense pressure on the Soviet power to acknowledge the existence of the secret protocols and to declare them null and void - and reminded the West that the Baltic republics had been annexed to the Soviet Union since 1944/45. 

A few years ago, when the Poles held a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, a few years ago, some Western and World leaders gathered, but the Brits did not go, obviously other important things to do and remember - wonder who the Foreign Secretary was at the time?

Human history is complex, and remembrance is important, forgetting is also very human and is part of life, but, remembrance should be balanced rather than selective. Selectively forgetting the past and erasing our collective history is a more dubious practice ( especially in these islands, Hungary, Russia and the Peoples Republic of China, etc ) but also within these islands, especially when it comes to ‘Brit washing’ the perceptions of and the grim realities of Empire, etc. 

Even in the West, the elite can be decidedly selective about the anniversaries and the history they wish us to remember. Creating a rose tinted view of the past, is neither history nor remembrance, nor is it honest, its manufactured / peddled nostalgia - and that is dubious, dishonest and potentially dangerous.  

Simply to reimagine these islands past simply to distract people from the mess the Westminster elite have got us into from the carnage of India’s partition, the shambles of Suez, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the financial collapse of 2008, etc is unacceptable but not quite as unacceptable as blatantly lying through ones teeth and manipulating evidence to justify a war. 

Other more awkward embarrassing anniversaries are ignored or effectively selectively airbrushed from history e.g. the Sykes-Picot-Sazanov agreement, the anniversary of  Amritsar, various bloody Sundays, etc.  Anniversaries are important to remember as not only can they provide timely reminders of important historical events, they can also remind us how we ended up in this mess and who made those decisions, and what can actually be accomplished when people want change.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Latest statistics on the performance of NHS Wales a ‘damning record for the new First Minister’ – Mabon ap Gwynfor MS

Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson on Health and Social Care says that ‘a radical rethink in approach’ is needed to get to grips with problems facing the Welsh NHS.


Statistics released today by the Welsh Government on the activity and the performance of the Welsh NHS between June and July 2024 have shown a further increase in waiting times across Wales for treatment, taking figures to a new high.


The latest statistics reveal that at least 615,300 patients currently find themselves on a waiting list in Wales, approximately just under 20% of the total population.


Also included in the results are clear increases in the number of patients waiting over eight weeks for diagnostic services, patients waiting for therapy services and those starting cancer treatment.


These latest performance statistics account for the new First Minister, Eluned Morgan’s final few months in post as the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care before taking on the highest office. Mark Drakeford, former First Minister and Health Minister between 2013-2016 has recently been re-appointed on an interim basis. During his time as Health Minister, there was an 11% increase in the number of patients on NHS waiting lists in Wales.


In response to the latest set of results, Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson on Health and Social Care, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, said:


“There is a disappointing inevitability of failing to get to grips with NHS waiting times month after month, and this set of results published today is no different, with waiting times at their highest ever.


"While Labour in Wales has been too focused on internal fighting, the new First Minister has left a legacy of at least 615,300 individual patients on treatment waiting lists. She promised to eliminate waiting lists but failed.  A damning record for the new First Minister of Wales.


“A radical rethink in approach is needed. Plaid Cymru has been consistent in our calls - we need a clear strategy from Welsh Government that starts with admitting there is a problem in the first place. Welsh Government must commission an independent investigation into the performance of the NHS in Wales, and commit to making targets mean something. That includes a more targeted approach to tackle waiting times by prioritising those most in need, to better fund preventative health measures, and to invest in the workforce by providing them with the working conditions and contracts they deserve.”


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Plaid Cymru note that Labour’s energy plans won't maximise benefits for Welsh communities without the devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales.


Plaid Cymru MP for Caerfyrddin, Ann Davies MP said that the Prime Minister’s and First Minister’s visit to West Wales to highlight their plans for GB Energy and Trdyan Gwyrdd Cymru failed to commit to keeping profits generated from new energy projects within Wales.


The Crown Estate owns 65% of Wales’ foreshore and riverbeds, and more than 50,000 acres of land, profits from which go directly to the UK Treasury and Monarch.


Without direct control over these natural resources through devolution of the Crown Estate, the profits generated from new clean projects will continue to leave Wales, rather than be shared between Welsh communities as is the case in Scotland.


The Crown Estate is recoding record net profits, having recently announced £1.1 billion net revenue profit which was £658.1 million higher than the previous year. The devolved Scottish Crown Estate generated £103.6 million for the Scottish Government in 2023.


Ann Davies MP said:


“It is incredibly disappointing to see Eluned Morgan failing to stand up for Welsh interests by not pressing Keir Starmer to devolve the Crown Estate. Devolution would give us the powers we need to set the terms of renewable energy developments, and ensure that the profits from our natural resources stay here in Wales.


“The Labour Welsh Government has previously said that the Crown Estate in Wales should be devolved, in line with the position in Scotland.  Today was an opportunity for the new First Minister to finally raise this pressing need with Keir Starmer.


“Her failure to do so will mean that profits from investments made by GB Energy and Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru will continue to leave Wales for the Treasury and the Monarch. This is money which should be kept and reinvested here in Wales to address the high levels of poverty and inequality facing our communities, and bring down our energy bills.  It appears that Labour’s energy plans will ring hollow for ordinary people in Wales.”


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Tuesday, August 6, 2024


‘More of the same no longer an option’ says Plaid Cymru as Eluned Morgan becomes third Labour First Minister after party turmoil

Wales deserves change from Labour chaos, says Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth


Wales needs change from Labour chaos, Plaid Cymru have said, after Eluned Morgan was nominated as Labour First Minister of Wales earlier today.


The Senedd (Welsh Parliament) was recalled today (Tuesday 6 August 2024) and Eluned Morgan was nominated as First Minister of Wales – the third First Minister in this term.


Eluned Morgan became the leader of Welsh Labour last month after Vaughan Gething was forced to resign after just 118 days in the job after three ministers and the counsel general all quit at the same time.


Mr Gething and the Labour Government had faced months of controversy over dodgy campaign donations, a lost vote of no confidence, and questions around the sacking of a government minister following leaked government messages.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said that this had not been an “orderly transfer” from one First Minister to another but the result of internal Labour party squabbles and scandals.


Mr ap Iorwerth said Labour had not been able to focus on serving the people of Wales as a result.  


Mr ap Iorwerth challenged the incoming First Minister on her party’s own record on the NHS, education and the economy and promised to hold the Labour government to account ahead of the 2026 Senedd elections.


Following the nomination of Eluned Morgan as First Minister of Wales, Plaid Cymru Leader, Rhun ap Iorwerth MS, said,


“On behalf of Plaid Cymru, I congratulate the First Minister on her election, and wish her well as she takes the reins and tackles the significant challenges that lie ahead.


“This is not an orderly transfer from one First Minister to another. For months, the Labour government that has governed for so long has found itself helpless when having to deal with scandal and internal squabbles, rather than being able to focus on serving the people of Wales. Wales deserves better than that.


“The new First Minister made it clear she was putting herself forward as a unity candidate but that was clearly unity for Labour, not for Wales. We still have no idea of the new First Minister’s priorities or what she wants to do in Government.


“Will she reset the relationship between the Welsh and UK Governments in a manner which amounts to more than a soundbite? On fair funding, the Crown Estate, HS2, the devolution of crime and justice, how does she intend to stand up for Wales?


“As former Health Minister, she must outline how she will reverse her own record which has resulted in the highest ever waiting times in the NHS. 


“On education when will the Labour Welsh Government put conditions in place to allow all our pupils to reach their potential after years of Wales lagging behind other UK nations? 


“What is the First Minister’s plan for safeguarding the future of Welsh steel and creating the high-skilled, well-paid jobs which are so desperately needed to boost the economy?


“Plaid Cymru will hold the Labour Government to account and outline our positive vision for change. More of the same really is no longer an option."

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