Tuesday, August 6, 2024


‘More of the same no longer an option’ says Plaid Cymru as Eluned Morgan becomes third Labour First Minister after party turmoil

Wales deserves change from Labour chaos, says Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth


Wales needs change from Labour chaos, Plaid Cymru have said, after Eluned Morgan was nominated as Labour First Minister of Wales earlier today.


The Senedd (Welsh Parliament) was recalled today (Tuesday 6 August 2024) and Eluned Morgan was nominated as First Minister of Wales – the third First Minister in this term.


Eluned Morgan became the leader of Welsh Labour last month after Vaughan Gething was forced to resign after just 118 days in the job after three ministers and the counsel general all quit at the same time.


Mr Gething and the Labour Government had faced months of controversy over dodgy campaign donations, a lost vote of no confidence, and questions around the sacking of a government minister following leaked government messages.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said that this had not been an “orderly transfer” from one First Minister to another but the result of internal Labour party squabbles and scandals.


Mr ap Iorwerth said Labour had not been able to focus on serving the people of Wales as a result.  


Mr ap Iorwerth challenged the incoming First Minister on her party’s own record on the NHS, education and the economy and promised to hold the Labour government to account ahead of the 2026 Senedd elections.


Following the nomination of Eluned Morgan as First Minister of Wales, Plaid Cymru Leader, Rhun ap Iorwerth MS, said,


“On behalf of Plaid Cymru, I congratulate the First Minister on her election, and wish her well as she takes the reins and tackles the significant challenges that lie ahead.


“This is not an orderly transfer from one First Minister to another. For months, the Labour government that has governed for so long has found itself helpless when having to deal with scandal and internal squabbles, rather than being able to focus on serving the people of Wales. Wales deserves better than that.


“The new First Minister made it clear she was putting herself forward as a unity candidate but that was clearly unity for Labour, not for Wales. We still have no idea of the new First Minister’s priorities or what she wants to do in Government.


“Will she reset the relationship between the Welsh and UK Governments in a manner which amounts to more than a soundbite? On fair funding, the Crown Estate, HS2, the devolution of crime and justice, how does she intend to stand up for Wales?


“As former Health Minister, she must outline how she will reverse her own record which has resulted in the highest ever waiting times in the NHS. 


“On education when will the Labour Welsh Government put conditions in place to allow all our pupils to reach their potential after years of Wales lagging behind other UK nations? 


“What is the First Minister’s plan for safeguarding the future of Welsh steel and creating the high-skilled, well-paid jobs which are so desperately needed to boost the economy?


“Plaid Cymru will hold the Labour Government to account and outline our positive vision for change. More of the same really is no longer an option."

 - ENDS -

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