Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Plaid Cymru note that Labour’s energy plans won't maximise benefits for Welsh communities without the devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales.


Plaid Cymru MP for Caerfyrddin, Ann Davies MP said that the Prime Minister’s and First Minister’s visit to West Wales to highlight their plans for GB Energy and Trdyan Gwyrdd Cymru failed to commit to keeping profits generated from new energy projects within Wales.


The Crown Estate owns 65% of Wales’ foreshore and riverbeds, and more than 50,000 acres of land, profits from which go directly to the UK Treasury and Monarch.


Without direct control over these natural resources through devolution of the Crown Estate, the profits generated from new clean projects will continue to leave Wales, rather than be shared between Welsh communities as is the case in Scotland.


The Crown Estate is recoding record net profits, having recently announced £1.1 billion net revenue profit which was £658.1 million higher than the previous year. The devolved Scottish Crown Estate generated £103.6 million for the Scottish Government in 2023.


Ann Davies MP said:


“It is incredibly disappointing to see Eluned Morgan failing to stand up for Welsh interests by not pressing Keir Starmer to devolve the Crown Estate. Devolution would give us the powers we need to set the terms of renewable energy developments, and ensure that the profits from our natural resources stay here in Wales.


“The Labour Welsh Government has previously said that the Crown Estate in Wales should be devolved, in line with the position in Scotland.  Today was an opportunity for the new First Minister to finally raise this pressing need with Keir Starmer.


“Her failure to do so will mean that profits from investments made by GB Energy and Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru will continue to leave Wales for the Treasury and the Monarch. This is money which should be kept and reinvested here in Wales to address the high levels of poverty and inequality facing our communities, and bring down our energy bills.  It appears that Labour’s energy plans will ring hollow for ordinary people in Wales.”


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