Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Plaid Cymru is the real alternative to a tired and divided Labour party in Wales, party leader Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth has said.


The First Minister of Wales Eluned Morgan announced the reshuffled Welsh Government cabinet on Wednesday evening (11 September 2024), less than a week before the start of the new Senedd term.


This is the third Welsh Government cabinet this year after months of internal Labour party issues.

Over the summer, Eluned Morgan became the leader of Labour in Wales and subsequently the First Minister of Wales, after Vaughan Gething was forced to resign after just 118 days in the job after three ministers and the counsel general all quit at the same time.

Mr Gething and the Labour Government had faced months of controversy over dodgy campaign donations, a lost vote of no confidence, and questions around the sacking of a government minister following leaked government messages.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said Wales deserved better than a “tired and divided” Labour government that was incapable of delivering solutions to the challenges facing Wales – including NHS waiting lists, a stagnating economy and falling educational standards.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said Plaid Cymru offered real change and “a fresh alternative” – including a focus on solving some of the major challenges facing communities.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,


“After a summer of silence and empty PR exercises, the First Minister has decided – with a week to go until the Senedd returns from recess, to put her cabinet together.


“In the meantime, the legacy of successive Labour governments in Wales continues: our NHS is in a state, the economy is stagnating, and education standards are falling.


“This is the third Welsh Government cabinet this year after months of internal Labour party chaos.


“Wales deserves better than this tired and divided Labour government that delivers nothing but delay and distractions.


“As we look ahead to the 2026 election, Plaid Cymru offers a fresh alternative and real change.


“Our strong and united team will be focused on addressing the major challenges facing our communities.


“Whether it’s our children’s education, the pressure on our NHS, or the success of businesses, Plaid Cymru has an ambitious vision that can offer the change Wales urgently needs.

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