Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Wales is stuck in a rut under a very tired and very divided Labour in Wales government that’s clearly out of touch, out of ideas and out of time. With a struggling NHS, a stagnant economy, and falling school standards, the legacy of 25 years of Labour in power in Wales is clear – and it’s very clear that Labour in Wales is not working.

While I accept the fact that change can take time, and that it can be cumulative, its clear that successive Labour in Wales governments (even when nudged into activity by coalition partners) and pre devolutionary Secretary of States for Wales have simply tolerated the state of our economy and our public services. 

Yet this Labour in Wales government is refusing to take full responsibility for its record – or advocate that the UK Labour Government on behalf of Wales on things like fair funding, HS2 cash and power over the natural resources. Devolution in England is on the cards but enabling Wales is clearly not on Labour in Wales or Labour in Westminster’s agenda. 

Plaid Cymru is the only party truly championing Wales and advocating for its best interests, Under Rhun ap Iorwerth’s leadership, only Plaid Cymru offers any real ambition, any vision and the energy to turn things around, rebuild our services, and create a fairer Wales for everyone. It is time for fresh leadership, a new government with Plaid Cymru and some real and necessary change.

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