Monday, September 30, 2024


Port Talbot closure: Tories and Labour share blame for lack of industrial strategy – Plaid Cymru

‘We must plan for the revival of our steel industry’, says Luke Fletcher MS ahead of second blast furnace shutdown

 Ahead of the shutdown of the second blast furnace at Port Talbot steelworks today (Monday 30 September), Plaid Cymru economy spokesperson, Luke Fletcher MS, has blamed successive governments in Westminster and Cardiff Bay for “failing to develop an industrial strategy”.

2,500 jobs will go at the steelworks despite a £500m taxpayer-backed deal at the Port Talbot plant. Many more jobs in the supply chain will be lost. 

During the General Election, Labour said it was “working on a better deal” for the plant, but approved the Conservative-negotiated plan for an electric arc furnace after coming into office in Westminster.  

Mr Fletcher said that steelmaking was crucial for a Welsh industrial strategy, and warned that the “tragedy” of the closure of the blast furnaces must not “define the future of our economy”. He stressed that following the closure, "we must now plan for the revival of our steel industry”. 

Plaid Cymru Economy spokesperson and South Wales West Member of the Senedd, Luke Fletcher said:

"During the General Election, Labour promised a better deal for the Port Talbot steelworks. Today, the second of its two blast furnaces shuts down. This is more than just a factory closing – it’s the end of Welsh steelmaking and the livelihoods of countless workers and families.

"The decline of our steel industry is a direct consequence of successive governments failing to develop an industrial strategy. They neglected to acknowledge that without a strong steel sector, the car industry, shipbuilding, and heavy manufacturing are all doomed to fail. While other nations recognised the vital importance of domestic steel production and actively subsidised it, the UK chose to privatise and sell our steel assets to foreign entities, making us reliant on imports.

“Plaid Cymru has long argued for the strategic importance of steelmaking to Wales’ economic interests, national security, and the pathway to net zero. It is deeply disappointing that both Westminster parties allowed this to happen. We cannot let this tragedy define the future of our economy; we must now plan for the revival of our steel industry and high skilled jobs it provides.”




Labour working on better Tata steel deal, says MP - BBC (6 July)


Ministers set to agree £500m Tata Steel subsidy – BBC (9 September)


It’s clear now that Labour has no plan for Welsh Steel - Plaid Cymru (10 July)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Wales is stuck in a rut under a very tired and very divided Labour in Wales government that’s clearly out of touch, out of ideas and out of time. With a struggling NHS, a stagnant economy, and falling school standards, the legacy of 25 years of Labour in power in Wales is clear – and it’s very clear that Labour in Wales is not working.

While I accept the fact that change can take time, and that it can be cumulative, its clear that successive Labour in Wales governments (even when nudged into activity by coalition partners) and pre devolutionary Secretary of States for Wales have simply tolerated the state of our economy and our public services. 

Yet this Labour in Wales government is refusing to take full responsibility for its record – or advocate that the UK Labour Government on behalf of Wales on things like fair funding, HS2 cash and power over the natural resources. Devolution in England is on the cards but enabling Wales is clearly not on Labour in Wales or Labour in Westminster’s agenda. 

Plaid Cymru is the only party truly championing Wales and advocating for its best interests, Under Rhun ap Iorwerth’s leadership, only Plaid Cymru offers any real ambition, any vision and the energy to turn things around, rebuild our services, and create a fairer Wales for everyone. It is time for fresh leadership, a new government with Plaid Cymru and some real and necessary change.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Plaid Cymru is the real alternative to a tired and divided Labour party in Wales, party leader Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth has said.


The First Minister of Wales Eluned Morgan announced the reshuffled Welsh Government cabinet on Wednesday evening (11 September 2024), less than a week before the start of the new Senedd term.


This is the third Welsh Government cabinet this year after months of internal Labour party issues.

Over the summer, Eluned Morgan became the leader of Labour in Wales and subsequently the First Minister of Wales, after Vaughan Gething was forced to resign after just 118 days in the job after three ministers and the counsel general all quit at the same time.

Mr Gething and the Labour Government had faced months of controversy over dodgy campaign donations, a lost vote of no confidence, and questions around the sacking of a government minister following leaked government messages.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said Wales deserved better than a “tired and divided” Labour government that was incapable of delivering solutions to the challenges facing Wales – including NHS waiting lists, a stagnating economy and falling educational standards.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said Plaid Cymru offered real change and “a fresh alternative” – including a focus on solving some of the major challenges facing communities.


Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,


“After a summer of silence and empty PR exercises, the First Minister has decided – with a week to go until the Senedd returns from recess, to put her cabinet together.


“In the meantime, the legacy of successive Labour governments in Wales continues: our NHS is in a state, the economy is stagnating, and education standards are falling.


“This is the third Welsh Government cabinet this year after months of internal Labour party chaos.


“Wales deserves better than this tired and divided Labour government that delivers nothing but delay and distractions.


“As we look ahead to the 2026 election, Plaid Cymru offers a fresh alternative and real change.


“Our strong and united team will be focused on addressing the major challenges facing our communities.


“Whether it’s our children’s education, the pressure on our NHS, or the success of businesses, Plaid Cymru has an ambitious vision that can offer the change Wales urgently needs.

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Monday, September 16, 2024


Despite spending her first six weeks as First Minister prioritising a ‘listening exercise’, no objectives have been identified, no evaluation process will be undertaken and no data will be collected as a result of Eluned Morgan’s plans – Plaid Cymru can reveal.


In their absence, Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth called the ‘listening exercise’ “little more than a PR stunt” after months of Labour infighting.


Rhun ap Iorwerth asked the First Minister to outline the objectives, process of evaluating and method of data gathering in a Written Question.


In response, the First Minister referred Mr ap Iorwerth to previous generic answers she gave to questions associated with the matter.


Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said:


“Much like many Labour Welsh government ambitions, the First Minister’s ‘listening exercise’ has no measurable outcomes or evaluation process.


“It has proved to be little more than a PR stunt to try and curry favour with the public after months of Labour infighting. What was really required this summer was a government getting to work to address the significant challenges facing our economy and public services.


“Eluned Morgan’s summer of silence has amounted to just appointing a stop-gap government with seemingly caretaker Ministers – holding the fort rather than putting a plan of action in place.


“Politicians should always be in listening mode, but after 25 years of running the Welsh government Labour Ministers should be in no doubt about the priorities of  the people of Wales.


“Record high NHS waiting lists, a stagnant economy and an underperforming education system is the legacy of successive Labour First Minister.


“Following the General Election, Plaid Cymru has spent this summer as we mean to go – holding the Labour governments in Wales and Westminster to account, and putting forward a positive case for change at the Senedd Election in 2026.”


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Friday, September 6, 2024


As Labour in Westminster are looking to launch Austerity 2.0, and Labour in Wales are not doubt preparing to do what they are told, the October budget is going to probably bring in craft of cuts. Serious consideration should be given to creating an All-Wales Police force which can help regain trust, foster a better culture in Welsh Policing and reduce costs and bring efficiency savings. 

Now is perhaps the time to replace the existing four police forces with a one Wales force approach could lead to positive change in outcomes for victims, cut crime and create a new policing culture focused on Wales. A similar restructure in Scotland, where all police forces were merged into one in 2013, led to positive change after initial challenges.

Wales can certainly learn lessons from the success of Police Scotland’s merger back in 2013 in order to ensure that resources are distributed fairly and wisely between the regions, and that relations with forces in England remain strong to tackle cross-border crime. A single force would allow a more efficient service in terms of HR, ICT, training, procurement and all the other infrastructure which enables the police to do their jobs from day to day. 

The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales chaired by Sir Michael Barber has already recommended merging the back-office functions of all forces. Now is the time to take bold steps and ensure that the police are in the strongest possible position to keep our communities safe.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Following Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s warning of a ‘painful’ budget coming this October, Plaid Cymru’s Luke Fletcher will in stark contrast offer a message of hope at the SNP’s 90th Annual Conference in Edinburgh today (Sunday 1 September 2024).


Mr Fletcher will say that Labour’s austerity 2.0 and the threat of the far-right must be stopped by taking “a radical vision for real, ambitious and deliverable change” over the next 18 months ahead of the devolved parliament elections in 2026.


Addressing delegates at the SNP Conference, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for economy, Luke Fletcher MS will say:

“Labour have chosen – and it is a choice – to stick with Osbornomics – to double down on a failed economic model which has slashed investment and hollowed out our communities. Austerity 2.0: bought, signed, sealed and delivered by and for the vested interests that are very happy with and profit from the status quo.

“And let’s be in no doubt – there are those who will look to exploit – who are already exploiting – the further hardship and suffering that Labour’s austerity will cause in our communities. The snake-oil salesmen of the far-right are looking to sow and deepen division.

“Conference – we cannot and we will not let them. We will beat them by offering hope – a radical vision for real, ambitious and deliverable change.

“Over the next 18 months, and building on our successes at this year’s Westminster election, we will be taking that vision to every doorstep in Wales.

“A Plaid Cymru Welsh Government will overturn 25 years of economic stagnation under Labour – delivering economic renewal through setting measurable and ambitious targets for an economy that prioritises decent work, sustainability, and economic well-being.

“A new development agency for Wales will prioritise growing and supporting Welsh-owned businesses, underpinned by a new deal for small businesses on rates.

“A new funding settlement for our universities will help to drive innovation.

“A skills audit and new supports for vocational training will see our young people equipped with the skills they need to secure high-paying, high-skilled jobs in the green economy.    

“And above all, new supports for social enterprises, community-led ventures and co-operative businesses will build, retain and recycle wealth in our communities.”


Mr Fletcher continues concludes by reaffirming Plaid Cymru’s “productive working relationship” with the SNP;

“Friends, in delivering all this and more, we will be following an example you have set. SNP Scottish Governments have led the way in showing that there is a different, more progressive path to follow. From the Scottish Child Payment to the community right to buy, the baby box to free personal and nursing care: we have and will continue to learn from our sister party.

“We were proud to renew our productive working relationship following this year’s General Election, and as we look to Scottish Parliament and Senedd elections in 2026, we do so facing joint challenges and opportunities.

“We will continue to work together – in Westminster and beyond – to secure the fairer funding that Wales and Scotland are owed, and our shared right to determine our own constitutional destinies. We will continue to build our shared vision of Wales and Scotland as progressive, independent nations, claiming their place in the European and global family of nations.”

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